About Laurie - Your Guide on the Spiritual Journey

Welcome to the heart of Spiritual Centre, where Laurie, your trusted guide, shares her passion for spiritual exploration, tarot reading, psychic insights, and life coaching.

Meet Laurie:

Laurie is not just a tarot reader, psychic, and life coach; she is a dedicated soul on a mission to empower individuals to embrace their true selves and live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Her journey into the spiritual realm began at a young age, and over the years, she has honed her skills to become a beacon of light for those seeking guidance.


  • Experienced Tarot Reader: With years of experience, Laurie has conducted countless tarot readings, providing valuable insights and guidance to individuals from all walks of life.

  • Intuitive Psychic: Laurie’s intuitive abilities allow her to tap into the energies surrounding individuals, providing deep insights and spiritual guidance.

  • Certified Life Coach: Laurie is a certified life coach, specializing in helping individuals navigate challenges, set meaningful goals, and achieve personal growth.


Laurie believes in the power of self-discovery, personal empowerment, and spiritual connection. Her philosophy revolves around:

  • Empathy and Compassion: Laurie approaches every session with empathy, creating a safe space for individuals to share their concerns and aspirations.

  • Holistic Guidance: Whether through tarot readings, psychic insights, or life coaching, Laurie provides holistic guidance to address various aspects of an individual’s life.

  • Spiritual Fulfillment: Laurie’s ultimate goal is to guide individuals on a journey toward spiritual fulfillment, helping them align with their true purpose.


Laurie is on a mission to inspire and guide individuals to:

  • Unlock Their Potential: Laurie helps individuals recognize and unlock their full potential, empowering them to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

  • Embrace Authenticity: Laurie encourages authenticity, guiding individuals to embrace their true selves and live authentically in all aspects of life.

  • Navigate Life’s Journey: Whether through tarot readings, psychic insights, or life coaching, Laurie is committed to helping individuals navigate their life’s journey with confidence and purpose.

Connect with Laurie:

Ready to embark on a transformative journey with Laurie? Contact her to schedule your tarot reading, psychic insights session, or life coaching appointment.

Meet Laurie, your dedicated guide on the spiritual journey. Illuminate your path and embrace the wisdom that awaits.